Star Wars

Star Wars Goes Anime, Senpai

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Lucasfilm has revealed in addition to Star Wars: Visions Season 2, they will be ditching the use of CGI and live-action altogether, in favor of producing all future Star Wars content in the anime style.

According to an insider source, this decision was made after the backlash of the new star wars films that were announced in addition to extensive cost-benefit analysis, which showed that the savings from not building sets or hiring stuntmen would more than compensate for the additional expenses of animation.

The source went on to explain that producing anime-style content is much easier than the traditional film process. “You don’t have to worry about actors getting injured during stunts or dealing with diva-like behavior on set,” the source said. “Plus, you can do all the special effects in post-production, so you don’t have to worry about getting the shot perfect on set.” Rumor has it a beloved anime studio will be tackling the project.

star wars anime concept
Anime concept art of a sad anime child being observed by either a sith or a pervert.

The move to anime-style content is expected to revolutionize the Star Wars franchise, with fans eagerly anticipating the release of the upcoming Star Wars Visions season 2. Rumors suggest that the series will feature even more epic lightsaber battles, mind-blowing space battles, and heart-wrenching character development than the first season.

Of course, not everyone is thrilled about this decision. Some fans have expressed concern that the anime-style may not capture the same gritty realism that live-action films do. Others have criticized the move as a cheap way for Lucasfilm to cut corners and save money.

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